To provide financial support for diversified
growth of industries primarily engaged in manufacturing, agriculture, and fisheries.
To be the key partner of growth for the economy through a spectrum of financial support.
IFCM acts as a single point of entry for a diagnosis and assessment of support requirements to enterprises seeking to modernise and transform their businesses.
IFCM provides central and joint investment and credit assessments as well as a common back-office processing for all support types and instruments being provided to enterprises.
The Industrial Finance Corporation of Mauritius manages the Modernisation and Transformation Fund with a corpus of Rs 5Bn for provision of leasing facilities at a preferential rate of 2.5% per annum over an extended period of up to 9 years, and factoring services.
The Industrial Finance Corporation of Mauritius manages the Leasing Equipment Modernisation Scheme and Factoring Scheme currently operated by private leasing and factoring service providers.
IFCM operates the Credit Guarantee Scheme in collaboration with the African Solidarity Fund.
IFCM provides equity, quasi-equity, debentures, and debt financing solutions.
IFCM provides corporate guarantees on a case-to-case basis; and
The Industrial Finance Corporation of Mauritius operates any other financial instrument as may be requested by MoFEPD.